Original Designs

Unlike many of the other hidden blade sellers online, here at Rawice Creations I design all of our products myself. These are not copied designs or knock-offs from AliExpress that have marked up ridiculous prices. If you buy from us you get what you pay for! Enjoy the peace of mind that you're getting the real deal while supporting the original creator.

Australian Quality

All of our products are designed and made here in Australia. We don't cut any corners and hand assemble each product ourselves. We hand test each unit before it leaves the warehouse, so shop confidently knowing you're getting the best quality available!

Fast Shipping

All orders are processed in 1-2 business days with orders being picked up by the couriers three times a week. This means you get your package as soon as possible! - Oh and did I mention global shipping?

Unmatched Customer Service

We pride ourselves on excellent customer support. From special requests to order issues we are here to help around the clock! But hey, don't take my word for it, check out our 1000+ genuine 5 star reviews on Judge.me!